Saturday, 11 April 2015

Is time a healer? The Hillsborough Disaster 26 Years On

It's not something that can ever be erased from my mind and nor should it. This week marks 26 years since fate allowed me to escape the hell of Leppings Lane whilst dealing a fatal blow to 96 fellow fans.

At this time of year my emotions, my guilt, the images and all that goes with that day are at their peak. They are always there, lurking in the back of my subconscious awaiting the slightest trigger to force them to the surface and change what may have been being a fantastic day into one that I can't wait to end.

This last week has been a tough one. Starting with someone trying to tout Hillsborough Memorial tickets, how dare he!

Hillsborough Memorial Tickets are FREE!

This was followed swiftly by the vile, disgusting Facebook pages appearing over the week. I'll not name them, I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of the publicity they clearly crave. The person(s) behind the pages and those that follow them are the lowest of the low. I believe in karma but I hope that the police catch up with them too and that they are suitably punished.

Early Thursday morning I had had enough. I am generally a strong person but knowing the effect the pages were having on me I was concerned at what the vile content would do to the families of those who didn't come home and I felt emotionally drained. I had to do something so I took to Twitter to ask for help from the media to find the scum behind the pages.

Radio City contacted me for which I am grateful (Thank you BBC for your interest!) and I reluctantly agreed to give a short interview. I decided to do this as I really want those behind the pages named, shamed and brought to book. My interview was aired, although I haven't heard it, and I hope that I got the right message across so that people can understand the damage these people do.

At this time of year, and with the inquests continuing, there are enough things keeping Hillsborough and its horror in the forefront of our minds without these faceless morons hiding behind a screen pushing vile abusive words and images and mocking the dead.

I am lucky to have supportive family and friends around me who understand how a little thing can push me down, even after 26 years, and they can help pick me back up by simply being there, giving me space, listening (although I rarely speak of it) and time. I'm sure that some people are not so lucky.

The sands of time are passing and perhaps closure of some description will come. The memories however will linger and 96 Angels will never be forgotten.

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